I Want to Join the Majority
That's it. I did everything I could. I'm exhausted. I've used up my vacation leave on this election. I've gone in debt contributing. The definition of crazy is to keep doing the same thing and expect a different outcome. I'm tired of being in the minority. So here's my new attitude:
- Deficites are good
- Aggressive imperial war is good
- The Bill of Rights (except the 2nd one) are evil
- The 10 Commandments (except that one about bearing false witness) are good
- I will consult with my Congressman before having any medical procedure
- If I can't afford healthcare and guarantee a healthy profit for the company offering it, tough. I deserve to be culled from the heard.
- Taxes, except those on wages, are evil
- All must sacrafice to guarantee high corporate devidends and high corporate executive salaries
- Outsourcing is good
- God made a mistake putting the oil in the Middle East and it's the white man's right to correct this error
- The natural resources are here for us to use up
- There is no Global Warming
- Anwar needs to be exploited. We're wasting it otherwise
- Michael Moore is evil, Bill O'Rilley is good
- Questionning authority = treason
- Having an opinion = evil
- Lies = Truth
- Coal = Clean
- I need a weapon
- We need to bomb countries and kill hundreds of thousands of innocents to save them
- Free people are free to loot
- Sneak and Peak is for my own protection
- Gays need to be ostrasized
- Single monthers need to be marginalized
- Neither can ever be allowed to teach our precious children
- White is right, all others are only right if they respect that
- There is no genocide in Africa
- AIDS is God's punishment and we shouldn't interrupt His retribution
- Schools should be self supporting unless they teach Christianity
- Social Security is a handout for sitting on my ass and doing nothing
- Injured soldiers need to suck it up and quit trying to get handouts of medical care
- Soldiers need to stop being wimps about wanting armor and ammo
- My duty is to consume until I'm in debt but not to the point of bankrupt
- All lawyers, except corporate lawyers, are evil
- 150,000 votes in Ohio = mandate
- Roads and bridges and their upkeep should be free
- All Government is evil
- All women, unless they are mothers, are to be marginalized
At 11:49 AM ,
Candace said...
I know what you mean! It's tempting to give up. I hear it's not really THAT cold in Canada...
I'm new to blogging, so was browsing, ran across your post and just had to say how much I love it! Have a Happy Thanksgiving; turkey will be especially apropo this year. Regards, Chenoah.
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